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Third Grade

Third grade is a pivotal year as it is transition year. Students are learning many new things, the biggest being how to take responsibility of their learning. To help foster this, students are being taught organizational strategies, transitioning between classes with ease, and taking ownership of their choices. 

Learning Highlights
  • Students team with preschool students for fun activities and friendship in our Reading Buddy Program.

  • Third graders who are ready for extension opportunities “walk” to math with our 4th graders.

  • Students get to learn how to write in cursive.

  • Third graders get to work with Lego WeDo 2.0 kits. They get to build various robotics and code them using the iPads.

Curriculum Overview


  • Students are not learning how to read anymore, but rather how to read for information. 

  • Ragweed (Introduction to novels)

  • C.I.A. (Collect, Interpret, and Apply) Units

    • Poppy

    • Glory Be

    • War with Grandpa

  • Presidents Units

  • Civil Rights Unit

  • Common Core State Standards



  • Text-McGraw-Hill, My Math Grade 3

  • Common Core Mathematical Standards

  • Big Concepts: 

    • Multiplication, division, geometry, and fractions

    • Check points/ assessments

    • Problem solving 

  • Walk to math


Social Studies

  • Three units

    • First nations of North America

    • Culture of North America

    • Entrepreneur - Creating a business

  • Focus of social studies:

    • History

    • Geography

    • Economics 

    • Civics



  • Earth Science: Science and Technology Concepts Kit, Weather

  • Life Science: Foss Kit, Environments

  • Physical Science: Foss Kit, Motion and Matter 

  • Investigations

  • Next Generation Science Standards



  • Our Sunday Visit, Alive in Christ

  • Following the outline designed by the Seattle Archdiocese

  • Topics: 

  • Knowledge of Faith 

  • Liturgical Education 

  • Moral Education 

  • Prayer

  • Church History

  •  Missionary Spirit



  • Music twice a week

  • PE twice a week

  • Art once a week

  • Library once a week

  • Social emotional learning with our school counselor

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